The role of radiation therapy in management parotid cancer therapy
El rol de la radioterapia en el manejo terapéutico del cáncer de parótida
he authors briefly analyse the clinical featuresof carcinomas of the parotid, clinical history, presentation and paraclinical tests necessary forstaging. Different treatments are analysed indepth with emphasis on radiation therapy.lndications for radiation therapy:1. Non surgical tumors2. Non resectable tumors3. Operated tumors with risk factors (high degreetumors, advanced tumors)4. RecidivesT he more frequent techniques for radiationtherapy are detailed. Last, the authors develop apersonal series of patients with cancer of theparotid who were referred to the oncologicalcenters where they work as radiation therapyoncologists.
En el presente trabajo se analizan en formasucinta las características clínicas de loscarcinomas de parótida, su historia clínica, suforma de presentación y los exámenesparaclínicos necesarios para la escarificación.Se analizan en forma más exhaustiva losdiferentes tratamientos, haciendo hincapié en eltratamiento radiante.
1999 | |
parótida tumores radioterapia parotid tumors radiotherapy |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
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