Surgical intermediate care unit: Concepts and experience on 300 patients

Unidad de cuidados intermedios quirúrgica: Conceptos y experiencia sobre 300 pacientes

Henderson, Eduardo - Ruso, Luis - Alonso, Oscar - Ramos, Edgardo - Luchinsky, Alicia - Boudrandi, Sonia - Morelli, Raúl - Balboa, Oscar - Matteucci, Pablo - Praderi, Luis


We present the experience on 300 consecutive patients,treated within a 20 months period (from ju/y 1988 tofebruary 1990) in the Intermedia te Care Unit of theSurgical Clinic "F" of the Clinics Hospital in Montevideo.We define the concept of monovalent surgica/ unit: itsassistance aims for the managment of high technicalcomplexity proceedings, its value concerning educationand research in the medica! and nursery areas.The occupation index of the unit was 59.3%. 48.4% ofthe cases were digestive cancers, acute abdomendisorders and politraumas; arterial, bife andpleuropulmonar diseases, 8%, 6. 7% and 5.6%respective/y; hydatidosis, 5%; and a disease group with alow incidence, 18.3%

Se presenta la experiencia de 300 pacientesconsecutivos, tratados en un período de 20 meses 0ulio1988 a febrero 1990) en la Unidad de CuidadosIntermedios de la Clínica Quirúrgica «F» del Hospital deClínicas de Montevideo.Se define el concepto de unidad monovalentequirúrgica: sus objetivos asistenciales para el manejo deprocedimientos de alta complejidad técnica, su valordocente y d

Detalles Bibliográficos
centros quirúrgicos
surgical centers
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
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