Histología del desarrollo testicular de borregos mellizos o únicos, cuyas madres fueron o no esquiladas preparto.
RESUMEN: Con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la esquila preparto sobre ta histologia del desarrollo testicular de borregos gestados como unicos 0 mellizos, dentro y fuera de la estaci6n reproductiva, 44 borregos fueron gestados unicos y con madre esquilada preparto (n=12) 0 no (n=12),o gestados mellizos con madre esquilada preparto (n=12) 0 no (n=12). La mitad de animales/grupo se castr6 fuera de estaci6n reproductiva (octubre) y la otra mitad en estaci6n reproductiva (marzo). Se registr6 peso corporal, testicular y epididlmario, circunferencia escrotal y variables histo16gicas cuantitativas testiculares. Nila gestaci6n como mellizo, ni la esquila preparto alteraron dichas variables, ni en estaci6n reproductiva ni fuera de ella.SUMMARY: We aimed at determining the effect of preparturition shearing on the histology of testicular development in hoggets which were gestated either as singletons or twins, either in or out of reproductive season. Fourty four hoggets were gestated as singletons, with their mothers sheared at 50 d post insemination (n=12), or not sheared during gestation (n=12), or gestated as twins with (n=12) or without their mothers sheared at 50 d post insemination (n=12). Half of animals/group were castrated out of reproductive season (october) and the other half inreproductive season (march). The body, testes and epididymides were weighed scrotal circumference and testicular histological variables were measured. Neither gestation as twin nor shearing preparturition affected any of the variables studied.
2015 | |
Español | |
Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria | |
http://www.ainfo.inia.uy/consulta/busca?b=pc&id=55626&biblioteca=vazio&busca=55626&qFacets=55626 | |
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