Reconstruction of an Anal Sphyncter Which had suffered Extensive Destruction of the Recto - Vaginal Wall

Reconstrucción del esfínter anal por destrucción extensa del tabique recto - vaginal

Torterolo, Edgardo - Bermúdez, Jorge


The patient had been operated severa! times in attempts to repair anal sphyncter and perineum, secondaryto abscess and fistula, which had failed. An iliac colostomy was first performed, then the perineum and sphyncter were repaired in an anatomic manner, withexcellent functional result. There follows an account of certain aspects of this technique and surgical tactics which are essential to success.

Se presenta un caso de reparación del esfínter anal y periné, secundario, a un absceso y fístula o]lerado en varias oportunidades. conintentos de reparación· que fracasaron. Previa colostomía ilíaca se reparó el periné y esfínter en forma anatómica, con un excelente resultad,o funcional. Se insiste en determinados aspectos de la técnica y la táctica quirúrgicas.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The patient had been operated severa! times in attempts to repair anal sphyncter and perineum, secondaryto abscess and fistula, which had failed. An iliac colostomy was first performed, then the perineum and sphyncter were repaired in an anatomic manner, withexcellent functional result. There follows an account of certain aspects of this technique and surgical tactics which are essential to success.