Acquired enterovesical fistulas

Fístulas enterovesicales adquiridas

Barberousse, Carlos - Santiago, Pablo - Rodríguez, Pablo


12 patients with acquired enterovesical fistulasduring a period between 1990 and 2002 were reviewed., considering etiological aspects, clinicalpresentation, paraclinical examinations and surgicaltreatment and comparing them with those insimilar published series.Etiology includes diverticular disease (six cases),Crohn’s disease (three cases), radiation injury(one case) and surgical or instrumental iatrogenia(two cases).Specific symptoms and the clinical presentationwere related to the causal disease.Paraclinical examinations were analysed. Theimportance of computerized abdominal tomographyis emphatically stressed.Finally, treatment and outcomes were considered.In all cases surgery was performed. The mostcommon procedure (75%) was intestinal resectionwith primary anastomosis (one-stage resection) andvesical repair. Other procedures were colostomywithout resection (16%) and resection withoutanastomosis (8%).No mortality was registered and the outcomewas favourable in all cases. The functional resultswere better in one-stage resection cases.We concluded that enterovesical fistula is a raredisease. Etiology and relative frequency is similarto those in other published series with the only differencethat no neoplastic fistulas were found..Surgical treatment is effective and one stage resectionand anastomosis is recommended if possiblebecause the better functional outcome

Se analiza una serie de 12 pacientes portadoresde fístulas enterovesicales adquiridas en unperíodo comprendido entre 1990 y 2002.Se consideran aspectos etiológicos, de la presentaciónclínica y paraclínica, y de las conductasterapéuticas confrontando los mismos con seriessimilares tanto nacionales como internacionales.Las etiologías comprendieron fístulas colovesicalesde origen diverticular (seis casos), ileovesicalessecundarias a enfermedad de Crohn (trescasos), rectovesicales de origen rádico (un caso)y rectovesicales e ileovesicales iatrogénicas (doscasos).Se evaluó tanto la sintomatología específica dela fístula como la del cuadro etiológico de fondoresponsable de la misma.Se analizaron los estudios paraclínicos solicitadosresaltando el rol primordial de la TAC para lacertificación diagnóstica.

Detalles Bibliográficos
fistula intestinal
intestinal fistula
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:12 patients with acquired enterovesical fistulasduring a period between 1990 and 2002 were reviewed., considering etiological aspects, clinicalpresentation, paraclinical examinations and surgicaltreatment and comparing them with those insimilar published series.Etiology includes diverticular disease (six cases),Crohn’s disease (three cases), radiation injury(one case) and surgical or instrumental iatrogenia(two cases).Specific symptoms and the clinical presentationwere related to the causal disease.Paraclinical examinations were analysed. Theimportance of computerized abdominal tomographyis emphatically stressed.Finally, treatment and outcomes were considered.In all cases surgery was performed. The mostcommon procedure (75%) was intestinal resectionwith primary anastomosis (one-stage resection) andvesical repair. Other procedures were colostomywithout resection (16%) and resection withoutanastomosis (8%).No mortality was registered and the outcomewas favourable in all cases. The functional resultswere better in one-stage resection cases.We concluded that enterovesical fistula is a raredisease. Etiology and relative frequency is similarto those in other published series with the only differencethat no neoplastic fistulas were found..Surgical treatment is effective and one stage resectionand anastomosis is recommended if possiblebecause the better functional outcome