Rectum Carcinoid Tumors

Tumores Carcinoides de Recto

Viola Malet, Marcelo - Amorín, Rosario - Barreiro, Claudia


Carcinoid tumors are amorphologically defined6/ass of intestine tumors which occur only rarelyand are /ess aggressive than intestine aden9carcinomas.Their endocrinous natura was recognisedonly years after they had become a known entity.The immediat consequence of being rare is thatfew surgeons ever come across patients whichsuffer from this condition.In 1980 the WHO defined them as diffused tumorsof the neuroendocrinous system or benignneoplasms with better prognosis than otther carcinomas;they are characterized by their particular/ys/ow growth rate, argentaphin affinity, immunihistochemicalreaction with regard to neuronal specificlabels and with the capacity of expressing variousdifferent peptides and biogenic amines

Los tumores carcinoides constituyen una clasemorfológicamente definidos de tumores intestinalespoco frecuentes, que exhiben un comportamientomenos agresivo que los adenocarcinomasintestinales; su naturaleza endocrina se reconociómuchos años después de su conocimiento.Su escasa frecuencia trae como consecuenciainmediata que sean pocos los cirufanos que seenfrentan alguna vez en su carrera a pacientesportadores de dicha afección.En 1980 la OMS, los define como tumores delsistema neuroendocrino difuso o neoplasmas benignosque muestran un mejor pronóstico que losotros carcinomas; que se caracterizan por un patrónde crecimiento particularmente lento, con afinidadargentófi/a, reacción inmunohistoquímica conmarcadores específicos neuronales, y con la capacidadde expresar diferentes péptidos y aminasbiogénicas.

Detalles Bibliográficos
tumor carcinoide
carcinoid tumor
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Carcinoid tumors are amorphologically defined6/ass of intestine tumors which occur only rarelyand are /ess aggressive than intestine aden9carcinomas.Their endocrinous natura was recognisedonly years after they had become a known entity.The immediat consequence of being rare is thatfew surgeons ever come across patients whichsuffer from this condition.In 1980 the WHO defined them as diffused tumorsof the neuroendocrinous system or benignneoplasms with better prognosis than otther carcinomas;they are characterized by their particular/ys/ow growth rate, argentaphin affinity, immunihistochemicalreaction with regard to neuronal specificlabels and with the capacity of expressing variousdifferent peptides and biogenic amines