Liver transplant program. Critical population mass and community need

Programa de trasplante hepático. Masa crítica poblacional y necesidad de la comunidad

Ruso, Luis - Risi, Leonardo - Balboa, Oscar


Despite its proved efficacy hepatic transplant (HT)involves a therapy of high complexity and raisedcost.In Uruguay, with its /ow number of inhabitants, theneed far HT has been challenged.The aim of this report is to justify the need of anHT program with an analysis of the populationcritica! mass, medica/ care requirements and thevarious factors affecting the patient and its socialsetting at pre and post transplant. A/so dealt withare the contributions of an HT program to globalimprovement of care, particular/y is concluded that an HT, in Uruguay, is ful/yjustified in conjunction with current demand andwith the fact that its population mass warrantsprediction of a higher number of 15 HT's per mil/ioninhabitants.

El trasplante hepático (TH), a pesar de su probadaeficacia, constituye una terapéutica de altacomplejidad y elevado costo.En nuestro país, con bajo número de habitantes,se ha cuestionado la necesidad de realizar TH.El objetivo de esta comunicación es justificar lanecesidad de un programa de TH, analizando lamasa crítica poblacional, la demanda asistencial ylos diversos factores que afectan al paciente y suentorno social en la fase pre y postrasplante. Seconsideran los aportes de un programa de TH almejoramiento global de la asistencia,especialmente las hepatopatías.Se concluye que un centro de TH, en nuestro país,se justifica plenamente frente a la demanda actualy porque nuestra masa pob!acional permitepredecir un número mayor de 15 TH por millón dehabitantes.

Detalles Bibliográficos
trasplante de hígado
liver trasplantation
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Despite its proved efficacy hepatic transplant (HT)involves a therapy of high complexity and raisedcost.In Uruguay, with its /ow number of inhabitants, theneed far HT has been challenged.The aim of this report is to justify the need of anHT program with an analysis of the populationcritica! mass, medica/ care requirements and thevarious factors affecting the patient and its socialsetting at pre and post transplant. A/so dealt withare the contributions of an HT program to globalimprovement of care, particular/y is concluded that an HT, in Uruguay, is ful/yjustified in conjunction with current demand andwith the fact that its population mass warrantsprediction of a higher number of 15 HT's per mil/ioninhabitants.