Perianal panfistulosis About a case
Panfistulosis perianal A propósito de un caso
The authors present a case with mu/tiple complicatedanorectal fistulas. lt is a rare type and diagnosisand treatment involve specific aspects thathave to be taken into account. Given the limitationsof preoperative clínica/ assessment, severa/diagnostic procedures have been suggested to aidthe surgeon during preoperative evaluation.The paper refers to the ana/ysis of anatomic andpathologic aspects to be eva/uated prior to andduring surgica/ treatment.
La fístula perianal es una enfermedad benigna defrecuente consulta en los Servicios de Cirugía. Losautores presentan un caso con múltiples fístulasanorrectales complicadas. Es muy poco frecuentey requiere consideraciones diagnósticas y terapéuticasparticulares. Dadas las limitaciones en el diagnósticoclínico, varios procedimientos parac/ínicosse han sugerido para la evaluación preoperatoria.Se analizan elementos anatómicos, patológicos,de la paraclínica y el tratamiento quirúrgico
2004 | |
fistula rectal ano rectal fistula anus |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | The authors present a case with mu/tiple complicatedanorectal fistulas. lt is a rare type and diagnosisand treatment involve specific aspects thathave to be taken into account. Given the limitationsof preoperative clínica/ assessment, severa/diagnostic procedures have been suggested to aidthe surgeon during preoperative evaluation.The paper refers to the ana/ysis of anatomic andpathologic aspects to be eva/uated prior to andduring surgica/ treatment. |