Duodenal ileus from giant stone Bouveret syndrome

Ileo duodenal por cálculo gigante Síndrome de Bouveret

Ruso, Luis - Baldizán, Jorge - Lucinschi, Alicia - Sismondi, Adriana - Carriquiry, Luis - Praderi, Raúl


Duodenal ileus due to biliar stones has thepresenta/ion of a gastroduodena/ stenosissyndrome. lt was described by Bouveret in 1896.The authors report two cases with special features.In one of them, the clinica/ presentation of avoluminous tumor of the right hypochondrium made it impossible in the pre-operative todistinguish between a calcified hydatic cyst and agiant solitary stone. The other patient wasdiagnosed by means of fibrogastroscopy but theextraction tria/ of the stone failed. The literaturereview analyses the spectre of diagnostic andtherapeutica/ possibilities. The importance ofsurgery as an integral curative procedure ispointed out; it is suggested that endoscopicextraction and eventual/y extracorporealshock-wave lithotripsy should be reserved topatients with high surgico--anesthesical risk

El ileo duodenal por litiasis biliar, se manifiestacomo un síndrome de estenosis gastroduodenal.Fue descrito por Bouveret en 1896. Se comunicandos casos con características singulares. En unode ellos, la presentación clínica como voluminosatumoración de hipocondrio derecho, hizo imposiblediferenciar en el preoperatorio entre un quistehidático calcificado y una litiasis única gigante. Elotro paciente se diagnosticó mediantefibrogastroscopía, pero fracasó el intento deextracción endoscópica del cálculo.La revisión de la literatura, analiza el espectro deposibilidades diagnósticas y terapéuticas. Seinsiste en la vigencia de la cirugía comoprocedimiento integral y curativo, considerandoque la extracción endoscópica y eventualmente lalitotriopsia extracorpórea deben limitarse apacientes con muy elevado riesgoanestésico-quirúrgico.

Detalles Bibliográficos
enfermedades del íleo
oclusión intestinal
ileus diseases
intestinal occlusion
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Duodenal ileus due to biliar stones has thepresenta/ion of a gastroduodena/ stenosissyndrome. lt was described by Bouveret in 1896.The authors report two cases with special features.In one of them, the clinica/ presentation of avoluminous tumor of the right hypochondrium made it impossible in the pre-operative todistinguish between a calcified hydatic cyst and agiant solitary stone. The other patient wasdiagnosed by means of fibrogastroscopy but theextraction tria/ of the stone failed. The literaturereview analyses the spectre of diagnostic andtherapeutica/ possibilities. The importance ofsurgery as an integral curative procedure ispointed out; it is suggested that endoscopicextraction and eventual/y extracorporealshock-wave lithotripsy should be reserved topatients with high surgico--anesthesical risk