Total penile reconstruction

Reconstrucción total del pene

Pera Erro, Enrique


Total reconstruction of penis is interesting because of the multiplicity of tecniques and methods involved, demanding resourcefulness and personal contributionsfrom the surgeon . A revision of 9rocedures shows that ali phalloplaEties should persue 3 anatomical goals: reproduction or corpus with mono or bi-pedicled tu bes; urethn•build with tubulized grafts, especially tubulous flaps; and a glans with a sort of coronal furrow and an imitation of prepuce and frenulum in which opensa well-centred and longitudinally elongated meatus. This is aime.d at obtaining free urinary and spermatic flow; adequate sensibility and consistency, permittingintercourse and achieved by means of grafts or muscular implants or transplants which may even make erection possible. In this paper we describe a case of this type ofsurgery the first in our country, in which Kaplan's technique was employed, with additional · stages and technical details that made it possible to simulat prepuce-frenulum and phallus end with glans appeirence and distal central and longitudinal ovoid orífice. 

La reconstrucción total del pene, es interesante, por J; multiplicidad de técnicas ·Y métodos que se deben poner en juego, agudizando el ingenio, pues cada casohace aportar a su autor siempre algo personal. De la revisión de procedimientos, llegamos a laconclusión que toda faloplastia, tener 3 objetivos anatómicos: reproducir un cuerpo con tubos mono o bi-pediculados; contener una uretra construida coninjerto tubulizado, pero sobre todo con colgajo-tubulizado y estar dotado de un "glande", con algo así como un surco coronal y algo que semeje prepucio y frenilo donde se abra un meato bien centrado y alargado longitudinalmente. El objetivo es conseguir un libre flujo urinario y espermático; una adecuada sensibilidad y suficienteconsistencia, para el acto sexual, dada por: injertos; implantes o tras9lantes musculares, aún con capacidad de erección, estos últimos. Se presenta un caso, el primero en nuestro país, utilizando la técnica de Kaplan, con el agregado de algunos tiempos y otros detalles de técnica que permitieron simular un prepucio-frenillo y dotar el extremo del falo de un parecido a glande, con orificio central distal y, sobre todo, ovoideo longitudinal 

Detalles Bibliográficos
cirugía plástica
técnica de Kaplan
plastic surgery
Kaplan's technique
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Total reconstruction of penis is interesting because of the multiplicity of tecniques and methods involved, demanding resourcefulness and personal contributionsfrom the surgeon . A revision of 9rocedures shows that ali phalloplaEties should persue 3 anatomical goals: reproduction or corpus with mono or bi-pedicled tu bes; urethn•build with tubulized grafts, especially tubulous flaps; and a glans with a sort of coronal furrow and an imitation of prepuce and frenulum in which opensa well-centred and longitudinally elongated meatus. This is aime.d at obtaining free urinary and spermatic flow; adequate sensibility and consistency, permittingintercourse and achieved by means of grafts or muscular implants or transplants which may even make erection possible. In this paper we describe a case of this type ofsurgery the first in our country, in which Kaplan's technique was employed, with additional · stages and technical details that made it possible to simulat prepuce-frenulum and phallus end with glans appeirence and distal central and longitudinal ovoid orífice.