Preoperative diagnosis thyroid follicular tumor

El diagnóstico preoperatorio de tumor folicular tiroideo

Delgado, Bolívar


The value of the existence of median thyroid ce/Is(microfollicular pattern) in a thyroid nade cytogram aspredictive far follicular tumor is analysed, showing thatthis value is higher than 70% in our country, with 14%carcinomas. The addition of a gammagram and/orachography does not significantly modify this index; thisis why these tests, carried out in these circumstances,are not justified, due to their low costleffectiveness

Se analiza el valor de la existencia de células tiroideasmedianas (patrón microfo/icular) en un citograma denódulo tiroideo como predictivo de tumor foliculardemostrándose que dicho valor supera en nuestro medio70% con un porcentaje de carcinomas de 14%.El agregarle a este resultado un estudio porgamagrama o ecografía o ambos no modificasignificativamente este índice por lo que estos estudiosen estas circunstancias no se justifican por su bajo índicecosto/efectividad

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The value of the existence of median thyroid ce/Is(microfollicular pattern) in a thyroid nade cytogram aspredictive far follicular tumor is analysed, showing thatthis value is higher than 70% in our country, with 14%carcinomas. The addition of a gammagram and/orachography does not significantly modify this index; thisis why these tests, carried out in these circumstances,are not justified, due to their low costleffectiveness