Complementary fasciotomy in patients relaparostomized for peritonitis widespread severe

Fasciotomía complementaria en pacientes relaparostomizados por peritonitis generalizadas graves

Comín, Raúl - Manna, Ruben - Pesenti, Dante - Moreno, Eduardo


In this work is presented a different surgicaltechnique used in twenty patients showingserious generalized peritonitis of differentetiologies. In nineteen of then, the abdomenwas left opened end held by a poliuretanomesh and the remain is a chronic eventrationas a result of the shutting by second ofrepeated laparostomy. The technique is veryuseful to easy the snutting of that abdominalwall and consists of making a complementaryfasciotomy on the aponeurosis of the mayoroblique, performed through incisions far awayfrom the original. lt is outstanding its easytechnique performance mínimum morbilityvery good results obtained with the plastic ofabdomen, even in chronic eventration.

En el presente trabajo se presenta una técnicaquirúrgica utilizada en 20 pacientes afectadospor peritonitis generalizada grave de distintasetiologías. En 19 de ellos se dejó el abdomenabierto y contenido con malla de poliuretano;el restante se trataba de una eventracióncrónica como consecuencia del cierre porsegunda de laparostomías reiteradas. Latécnica, útil para facilitar el cierre de esa paredabdominal, consiste en realizar fasciotomíacomplementaria sobre la aponeurosis deloblicuo mayor, a través de incisiones alejadasde la original.Se destaca su fácil ejecución técnica, lamínima morbilidad y los buenos resultadosobtenidos con la plástica del abdomen, aún eneventraciones crónicas

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:In this work is presented a different surgicaltechnique used in twenty patients showingserious generalized peritonitis of differentetiologies. In nineteen of then, the abdomenwas left opened end held by a poliuretanomesh and the remain is a chronic eventrationas a result of the shutting by second ofrepeated laparostomy. The technique is veryuseful to easy the snutting of that abdominalwall and consists of making a complementaryfasciotomy on the aponeurosis of the mayoroblique, performed through incisions far awayfrom the original. lt is outstanding its easytechnique performance mínimum morbilityvery good results obtained with the plastic ofabdomen, even in chronic eventration.