Surgical anatomy of the duodenal papilla.

Anatomía quirúrgica de la papila duodenal

Estapé, Gonzalo - Boudrandi, Sonia - Veirano, Gustavo - Cardozo, Ricardo - Neirotti, Rubens - Neirotti, Guillermo


A macroscopic and topographic study was made ofpapilla in 123 duodeno-pancreas anatomic pieces and200 cholangiographies finding that in 68% of casesthey are distally located al the mid third of D11, they areconic in 79,5% of cases and flat in the other; the caracteristicfolds (cap and frenum) are complete in 78,3% ofthem. In the irrigation exam there appear three constan!pedicles. Results are discussed and conclusionsdrawn on main points of anatomo-surgical relevancy

Se realizó el estudio macroscópico y topográfico de la papilaen 123 piezas anatómicas de duodeno-páncreas, y en 200colangiografías, comprobándose que en el 68 % está situadadistalmente al tercio medío de D11, es de forma cónica en el79.5% y plana en los restantes; los pliegues característicos(capuchón y frenillo) se encuentran en su totalidad en el78.3%. Del estudio de la irrigación surgen tres pedículosconstantes. Se discuten los resultados y se extraen las principalesconclusiones que tienen trascendencia anátomo-quirurgica.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:A macroscopic and topographic study was made ofpapilla in 123 duodeno-pancreas anatomic pieces and200 cholangiographies finding that in 68% of casesthey are distally located al the mid third of D11, they areconic in 79,5% of cases and flat in the other; the caracteristicfolds (cap and frenum) are complete in 78,3% ofthem. In the irrigation exam there appear three constan!pedicles. Results are discussed and conclusionsdrawn on main points of anatomo-surgical relevancy