Aorto-prosthetic-pulmonary fistula: Recurrent severe hemoptysis

Fístula aorto-protésico-pulmonar: Hemoptisis graves recidivantes

Gastambide, Carmelo M. - Martinez Apezteguia, José L. - Ormaechea, Carlos - Berazategui, R. - Calleriza, F.


The authors present a clinical case of a thoracic aorta prosthesis after resection of an aneurysm that underwent infection as a complication.The symptoms were; recurrent serious hemoptisis, 38 months after the initial surgery. The authors emphasize the low frequency of this entity; being as far as we know the first case in our country. The surgical approach used and the therapeutical possibilities of one or two succesive surgeries in further cases are discussed.

Se presenta un caso clínico portador de complicación infecciosa a nivel de protesis aorta torácica post resección de aneurisma, traducida por hemoptisis grave reiterada, a los 38 meses de la intervención quirúrgica inicial. Se señala la baja frecuencia de esta entidad, constituyendo lo que creemos el primer caso en nuestro oaís. Se discute la táctica quirúrgica adoptada y las posibilidades terapéutica en uno o dos actos quirúrgicos frent.e a cuadros similares.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The authors present a clinical case of a thoracic aorta prosthesis after resection of an aneurysm that underwent infection as a complication.The symptoms were; recurrent serious hemoptisis, 38 months after the initial surgery. The authors emphasize the low frequency of this entity; being as far as we know the first case in our country. The surgical approach used and the therapeutical possibilities of one or two succesive surgeries in further cases are discussed.