Acute biliary pancreatitis: preliminary contributions from a prospective study

Pancreatitis aguda biliar: aportes preliminares de un estudio prospectivo

Flores, Jorge - Samaniego, Castor - Giménez, Alejandro - Burguez de Iturbe, Clara - Girala, Mario - Frutos, Benito - Filizzola, Roberto


The preliminary results of a prospective studyperformed in the Surgica! Department of the"Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de laUniversidad Nacional de Asunción. Paraguay':is presented here. The series inc!udes 54patients with acute biliary pancreatitisconfirmed by !aboratory and image studies,who underwent examination by the G!asgowsea/e from the beginning. Two different groupswere identified in this way: one wite less thanthree positive factors (light forms, 33 cases),an another with three or more positive forms(severe forms, 21 cases).

Los resultados preliminares de un estudioprospectivo realizado en el Servicio de Cirugíade la Primera Cátedra de Clínica Quirúrgica dela Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de laUniversidad Nacional de Asunción, Paraguay,son presentados en este trabajo. La seriecomprende 54 pacientes portadores depancreatitis aguda biliar confirmada porestudios de laboratorio y de imágenes quefueron sometidos, de entrada, a unatabulación de datos contemplados en la escalade G!asgow.

Detalles Bibliográficos
pancreatitis aguda
acute pancreatitis
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The preliminary results of a prospective studyperformed in the Surgica! Department of the"Facultad de Ciencias Médicas de laUniversidad Nacional de Asunción. Paraguay':is presented here. The series inc!udes 54patients with acute biliary pancreatitisconfirmed by !aboratory and image studies,who underwent examination by the G!asgowsea/e from the beginning. Two different groupswere identified in this way: one wite less thanthree positive factors (light forms, 33 cases),an another with three or more positive forms(severe forms, 21 cases).