Caliber of common bile duct.: its diagnostic significance

Calibre del colédoco: su significado diagnóstico

Delgado, Bolívar - Perrier, José P


Its significance for the purpose of diagnosis. In a series of 100 patients the caliber of commonbile duct was measured by means of cholangiographic studies with manometric control. The following conclusions were derived: 1) Caliber of normal hile duct increases with age; 2) no evidence was found of "vicarious" dilation of common bile duct in cholecystectomized patients or in those in whom the gall bladder had been excluded, in theabsence of choledocus pathology; 3) Pathology probability increases in proportion to, the enlarged caliber of common bile duct; up to 91,6 % in cases when itexceeds 20 mm; 4) However, 19 % of lithiasis was found in common bile ducts of normal caliber; 5) In 12 % of dilated choledocus no present pathology was found.These findings are compared to those of other authors.

Los autores analizan el calibre del coledoco en 100 observaciones midiéndo

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
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