Acute complications of peripheral arterial aneurysms

Complicaciones agudas de los aneurismas arteriales periféricos

Rubio, Roberto


Peripheral arterial aneurysms are caused by the following reasons: arteriosclerosis ( 80 % of cases); infections (micosis); and post-dilatation. With increase of arterial repair surgery, false aneurysms are ofte?l observed; these are termed anastomotic aneurysms.Peripheral aneurysms often have complications which imply a serious threat to the circulation of the limb, very often leading to gangrene and even death of patient. There is unanimous agreement that surgery of peripheral aneurysms should be performed at an earlystage and that treatment will consist of abscission of aneurysm and re-establishment of arterial continuity, In arder to prevent formation of anastomotic aneurysms, it is important to perform termino-lateral anastomosis in the inguino-crural region, avoiding excessivetension and employing synthetic suture material. The use of anticoagulant s in the immediate post-operatory period seems to be an important factor in development of these aneurysms. However, there is no doubt that advanced degenerative arteriosclerotic lesions in the re<teiving artery play an extremely important part in production of anastomotic aneurysms.

por: arterioesclerosis, el 80 % de éstos; infección ( micóticos) y postdilatación. Ultimamente con el auge de la cirugía arterial reparadora, se observan con cierta frecuencia falsos aneurismas que son denominados aneurismas anastomóticos. Los aneurismas periféricos se complican con gran frecuencia y ello implica una seria amenaza para la circulación del miembro, llevando muchas veces a la gangrena de éste y mismo a la muerte. Existe acuerdo unánime que los aneurismas periféricos deben operarse precozmente y que el tratamientoconsistirá en la exéresis del aneurisma y el restablecimiento de la continuidad arterial. Para evitar la formación de aneurismas anastomóticosse destaca la importancia de realizar las anastomosis terminolateral en la región inguinocrural, sin tensión excesiva y empleando material sintético en la sutura. El uso de anticoagulantes en el postoperatorio inmediato parece ser un importante factor en el desarrollode estos aneurismas. Es indudable sin embargo, que las avanzadas lesiones de arterioesclerosis degenerativaen la arteria receptora, desempeñan un papel de primer orden en la producción de los aneurismas anastomóticos.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Peripheral arterial aneurysms are caused by the following reasons: arteriosclerosis ( 80 % of cases); infections (micosis); and post-dilatation. With increase of arterial repair surgery, false aneurysms are ofte?l observed; these are termed anastomotic aneurysms.Peripheral aneurysms often have complications which imply a serious threat to the circulation of the limb, very often leading to gangrene and even death of patient. There is unanimous agreement that surgery of peripheral aneurysms should be performed at an earlystage and that treatment will consist of abscission of aneurysm and re-establishment of arterial continuity, In arder to prevent formation of anastomotic aneurysms, it is important to perform termino-lateral anastomosis in the inguino-crural region, avoiding excessivetension and employing synthetic suture material. The use of anticoagulant s in the immediate post-operatory period seems to be an important factor in development of these aneurysms. However, there is no doubt that advanced degenerative arteriosclerotic lesions in the re&lt;teiving artery play an extremely important part in production of anastomotic aneurysms.