Secondary hyperparathyroidism associated with papillary thyroid cancer
Hiperparatiroidismo secundario asociado con cáncer papilar de tiroides
Association between primary hyperparathyroidismand differentiated thyroid cancer is we/1 known;there is, however, little evidence of relationship betweenthis cancer and secondary hyperparathyroidism.In Surgical Clinic «F» Clinical Hospital - Facultyof Medicine - Montevideo, Uruguay, during theperiod ranging from January 2000 through June2002, twenty-two patients suffering from secondaryhyperparathyroidism were subject to surgery. Oneof the patients operated, presented association withpapillary thyroid is the first case to be found in our countryand Nr. 23 in the international literature we consulted.
La asociación entre hiperparatiroidismo primarioy cáncer diferenciado de tiroides es bien conocida,mientras que existe poca evidencia de la relaciónentre este cáncer e hiperparatiroidismo secundario.En la Clínica Quirúrgica "F", en el período comprendidoentre enero del año 2000, y junio del 2002,se operaron 21 pacientes con hiperparatiroidismosecundario. Uno de los pacientes operados presentóla asociación con cáncer papilar de tiroides.Se trata del primer caso en nuestro medio y elnúmero 23 de la literatura internacionai consultada.
2005 | |
hiperparatiroidismo tiroides hyperparathyroidsm thyroid |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | Association between primary hyperparathyroidismand differentiated thyroid cancer is we/1 known;there is, however, little evidence of relationship betweenthis cancer and secondary hyperparathyroidism.In Surgical Clinic «F» Clinical Hospital - Facultyof Medicine - Montevideo, Uruguay, during theperiod ranging from January 2000 through June2002, twenty-two patients suffering from secondaryhyperparathyroidism were subject to surgery. Oneof the patients operated, presented association withpapillary thyroid is the first case to be found in our countryand Nr. 23 in the international literature we consulted. |