Laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Experience of the Italian Hospital team. Analysis of the first 79 cases

Colecistectomía laparoscópica. Experiencia del equipo del Hospital Italiano. Análisis de los primeros 79 casos

Praderi Gambardella, Luis A - Tchekmedyian, Vartan - Voelker, Ricardo - Balboa, Oscar - Geninazzi, Héctor - Matteucci, Pablo - Praderi, Luis A


The experience on the first 79 cases of laparoscopiccholecystectomy performed between March and October1991 at the Hospital Italiano is presented. Details of thetechnique. indications, counterindications and resu/ts areanalysed. A scheme far study and treatment is proposed forpatients suspect of lithiasis of the main biliary viae who arecandidates for this type of surgery. lt is concluded that thisnew surgical approach far cholecystectomy, according tothe obtained results, presents varoious advantages.specially as regards decrease in parietal aggression.mínima! postoperative pain, brief hospitalization and quickreturn to work. This encourages work along this line. withadditional projection to other territories of abdominal surgery.

Se presenta la experiencia de los primeros 79 casos decolecistectomía laparoscópica efectuados entre marzo yoctubre de 1991 en el Hospital Italiano. Se analizan detallesde la técnica. indicaciones, contraindicaciones y resultados.Se propone un esquema de estudio y tratamiento parapacientes con sospecha de litiasis de la vía biliar principalcandidatos a este tipo de cirugía. Se concluye que estenuevo abordaje quirúrgico para realizar la colecistectomía,según los resultados obtenidos, presenta múltiplesventajas, sobre todo en cuanto a la disminución de laagresión parietal, mínimo dolor posoperatorio, breveinternación y rápida reinserción laboral; lo que alienta acontinuar trabajando en esta línea, incluso con proyección aotros territorios de la cirugía abdominal.

Detalles Bibliográficos
vías biliares
billiary ducts
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The experience on the first 79 cases of laparoscopiccholecystectomy performed between March and October1991 at the Hospital Italiano is presented. Details of thetechnique. indications, counterindications and resu/ts areanalysed. A scheme far study and treatment is proposed forpatients suspect of lithiasis of the main biliary viae who arecandidates for this type of surgery. lt is concluded that thisnew surgical approach far cholecystectomy, according tothe obtained results, presents varoious advantages.specially as regards decrease in parietal aggression.mínima! postoperative pain, brief hospitalization and quickreturn to work. This encourages work along this line. withadditional projection to other territories of abdominal surgery.