Tumor biological markers and skin cancer: Preliminary analysis

Marcadores biológicos tumorales y cáncer de piel: Análisis preliminar

Juri, Héctor - Olazábal, Alberto - Silvera, Daniel - Peña, Raquel - Piguet, Francine


The author presents the methodology followed at theReconstructive Surgery Service at Hospital Maciel asregards cutaneous neoplsms. Ever since May 1990patients with basocellular carcinoma and spinocel/ular areinc/uded in protoco/s from a prospective point of view.Three protocols are included: c/inica/, biological, andhistopathological. Their correlation is analysed so as tounderstand host-tumor re/ation in a better way. Thestaging proposed by the American Joint Committee onCancer for skin, eye..:.tids, and /ip tumors is a/so included.

Se presenta la metodología seguida en el Servicio deCirugía Reparadora del Hospital Maciel con respecto a losneoplasmas cutáneos. Desde mayo de 1990 seprotocolizan pacientes portadores de carcinomavasocelular y espinocelular en forma prospectiva. Seincluyen tres protocolos: clínico, biológico ehistopatológico. Se analiza la correlación entre los tres convistas a comprender mejor la relación huésped-tumor.Se incluye la estadificación propuesta por la AmericanJoint Committee on Cancer para los tumores de la piel,párpados y labio

Detalles Bibliográficos
tumores cutáneos
cutaneous tumors
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The author presents the methodology followed at theReconstructive Surgery Service at Hospital Maciel asregards cutaneous neoplsms. Ever since May 1990patients with basocellular carcinoma and spinocel/ular areinc/uded in protoco/s from a prospective point of view.Three protocols are included: c/inica/, biological, andhistopathological. Their correlation is analysed so as tounderstand host-tumor re/ation in a better way. Thestaging proposed by the American Joint Committee onCancer for skin, eye..:.tids, and /ip tumors is a/so included.