The value of radiotherapy in control of locoregional recurrence breast cancer

El valor de la radioterapia en el control de la recurrencia locorregional del cáncer de mama

Torres, Miguel - Santini, Alejandro


On the basis of retrospectiva survey of 250patients with locorregional recurrence of mammarycancer the study undertaken determines theirgeneral characteristics, stress being laid on theresults obtained by radiotherapy as we/1 as on therole accomplished by prognostic indicators. Furtheremphasis is placed on the need to indicatesupplementary postoperative radiotherapy in thepresence of unfavorable prognostic factors oflocorregional recurrences

En base al análisis retrospectivo de 250 pacientesportadoras de recurrencia locorregional de cáncerde mama se determinan sus característicasgenerales y se enfatizan los resultados obtenidospor la radioterapia así como también el rol quecumplen los indicadores pronósticos. Se culminaen la necesidad de indicar la radioterapiaposoperatoria adyuvante cuando existan factorespronósticos desfavorables de recurrenciaslocorregionales.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:On the basis of retrospectiva survey of 250patients with locorregional recurrence of mammarycancer the study undertaken determines theirgeneral characteristics, stress being laid on theresults obtained by radiotherapy as we/1 as on therole accomplished by prognostic indicators. Furtheremphasis is placed on the need to indicatesupplementary postoperative radiotherapy in thepresence of unfavorable prognostic factors oflocorregional recurrences