Soft parts hydatidosis.

Hidatidosis de partes blandas

Croci, Fabio - Rocca, Guillermo - dos Santos, Gustavo


Soft parts hydatidosis includes localizations in thesubcutaneous cellular tissue and skeletal muscle thatmay be grouped according to their pathogenic, clínica!,evolutive and therapeutic similarities. lncidence of sameis very low, very few cases having been reported inour country. Thereby excluding statistical analysis ofthis pathology at national leve!. This communicationcontributes nine new cases, and the study of theirpathogenic and clinical characteristics, while diagnosticand therapeutic aspects are discussed in the light ofpresent conditions.

La hidatidosis de partes blandas comprende a las lo•calizaciones en el tejido celular subcutáneo y en elmúsculo esquelético, que pueden agruparse por sus si•militudes patogénicas, clínicas, evolutivas y terapéuticas.Su incidencia es muy baja, siendo pocos los casospublicados en nuestro medio, lo que impide el análisisestadistico a nivel nacional de esta patología. En la presentecomunicación se aportan 9 nuevos casos, y seestudian sus caracteristicas patogénicas y clínicas,discutiéndose los aspectos diagnósticos y terapéuticasen el momento actual.

Detalles Bibliográficos
quiste hidático
hydatid cyst
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Soft parts hydatidosis includes localizations in thesubcutaneous cellular tissue and skeletal muscle thatmay be grouped according to their pathogenic, clínica!,evolutive and therapeutic similarities. lncidence of sameis very low, very few cases having been reported inour country. Thereby excluding statistical analysis ofthis pathology at national leve!. This communicationcontributes nine new cases, and the study of theirpathogenic and clinical characteristics, while diagnosticand therapeutic aspects are discussed in the light ofpresent conditions.