Percutaneous drainage of hepatic abscesses.

Drenaje percutáneo de abscesos hepáticos

Morelli, Raúl - Perrone, Luis - Maquieira, Gonzalo - Pin, Oscar - Petersen, Federico - Retich, Gizela


During 1984, 5 pyogenic abscesses were detectedand topographied. Based on preciseness of images thesoundness of the way chosen was secured, diagnosisby aspiration being made and followed by subcutaneousdrainage.lmmediate evolution was excellent with complete recoveryin every case. An antibiotic treatment adequateto the germ was maintained al ali times.No recidivation or compiications in this series. Withoutmortality.

Durante 1984 se detectaron y topografiaron 5 abscesospiógenos del hígado. Basados en la precisión delas imágenes, la seguridad de la ruta planeada, se practicóel diagnóstico por aspiración y luego el drenajepercutáneo.La evolución inmediata fue excelente con curaciónen todos los casos. Hubo siempre una cubierta antibióticaadecuada al germen.En esta serie no existieron recidivas ni complicaciones.Son mortalidad.

Detalles Bibliográficos
abscesos hepáticos
hepatic abscess
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:During 1984, 5 pyogenic abscesses were detectedand topographied. Based on preciseness of images thesoundness of the way chosen was secured, diagnosisby aspiration being made and followed by subcutaneousdrainage.lmmediate evolution was excellent with complete recoveryin every case. An antibiotic treatment adequateto the germ was maintained al ali times.No recidivation or compiications in this series. Withoutmortality.