Local norepinephrine value in the control of bleeding by acute gastric ulcers

Valor de la noradrenalina local en el control de las hemorragias por úlceras gástricas agudas

Campos Pierri, Néstor - Villar, Miguel - Reyes, Ismael - Varela, José Alberto - Yametti, Luis - Bonaba, Roberto - Gomez Fossati, Carlos


An experimental model of acute gastric ulcer was reproduced in 24 dogs, according to the procedure: deviced by Le Veen. Animals were grouped into 3 equal series of 8 dogs each. One of the series was used as control and the other 2 were treated with a norepinephrine solution ( at different concentrations and during different times) in a topic, endogastric -way  in an attempt to arrest the bleeding. lt was proved that, at a 16 mg/lt concentration, the drug gives a number of survivors which is higher than that of the non-treated animals, without undersirable side-effects.

En 24 perros se reproduce un m.odelo experimen tal de úlceras gástricas agudas, según procedimiento ideado por LeVeen. Se dividen los animales en 3 series iguales de ocho. Una se deja como testigo y a las 2 restantes se les trata con solución de noradrenalina (a concentraciones y durante tiempos diferentes) en forma tópica, endogástrica, para intentar cohibir el sangrado. Se comprueba que a una concentración de 16 mg/lt, la droga condiciona un mayor número de sobrevivientes que en los animales no tratados, sin efectos colaterales indeseables.

Detalles Bibliográficos
úlcera estomacal
uso terapéutico
stomach ulcer
therapeutic use
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
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