Metastatic tumors of the jejunum-ileum

Tumores metastásicos del yeyuno-íleon

Piñeyro, Alberto - Carriquiry, Luis


Malignant tumors of sma/1 intestine are rare and inclínica/ series metastatic involvement is exceptional.In post mortem studies the frecuency increases,particular/y in cases of mela noma. Sorne considerthat the sma/1 intestine has protective e/ements,which other adjacent organs, such as thestomach and co/on,lack.Case material consists of three clínica/ cases ofmetastasis in jejunoileum. There fol/ows a discussionof patho/ogy, clinic, diagnosis and therapy.In al/ patients carrying a primary tumor, fundamental/ymela noma ar /ung cancer, as we/1 as digestivesymptoms of acute abdominal symptomato/ogy, thedifferential diagnosis with metastasis in the sma/1intestine should ever by present.

Los tumores malignos del intestino delgado sonpoco frecuentes y en series clínicas el compromisometastásico es excepcional. En estudios autópsicosla frecuencia aumenta, especialmente encasos de mela noma . Se ha sostenido que el intestinodelgado posee elementos protectores delos cuales carecen órganos adyacentes como elestómago y el colon.Se presentan tres casos clínicos de metástasisen yeyunoi/eon. Se efectúan consideraciones patológicas,clínicas, diagnósticas y terapéuticas.En todo paciente con tumor primario, fundamenta/mente melanoma o cáncer de pulmón y síntomasdigestivos o cuadro de abdomen agudo, eldiagnóstico diferencial con metástasis en intestinodelgado debe estar presente siempre

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Malignant tumors of sma/1 intestine are rare and inclínica/ series metastatic involvement is exceptional.In post mortem studies the frecuency increases,particular/y in cases of mela noma. Sorne considerthat the sma/1 intestine has protective e/ements,which other adjacent organs, such as thestomach and co/on,lack.Case material consists of three clínica/ cases ofmetastasis in jejunoileum. There fol/ows a discussionof patho/ogy, clinic, diagnosis and therapy.In al/ patients carrying a primary tumor, fundamental/ymela noma ar /ung cancer, as we/1 as digestivesymptoms of acute abdominal symptomato/ogy, thedifferential diagnosis with metastasis in the sma/1intestine should ever by present.