Late-onset congenital posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia

Hernia diafragmática posterolateral congénita de manifestación tardía

Benedetti, Juan Luis - Chavarría, Oscar - Ferrari, Ivone


Description of two cases of congenit posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia with tardy clinical manifestation. Embryological consideration of the diaphragm, being the cause of the hernia, the persistence of Bochdalek foramen.Late manifestation may be due to: a) a narrow diaphragmatic orífice; b) temporary obstruction of the orífice by the liver or the spleen; c) the presence of a hernia pocket.Clinically, hernias manifest themselves through respiratory- digestive and/or cardiac symptomatology.They may also be asymptomatic and become a radiological finding, or may first appear as a complication (strangulation), determining a condition of shock and sudden death.Radiology is of primary importance for the diagnosis which will not be invalidated by the existence of prior normal radiological study of the chest. Finaliy, considerations are made on indications of operations and operative times.

Se presentan dos casos de hernia diafragmática posterolateral congénita con manifestación clínica tardía.Se realizan consideraciones embriológicas del diafragma, siendo la causa por la que se produce la hernia, la persistencia del foramen de Bochdalek.La manifestación tardía puede deberse: al orificio diafragmático estrecho; a la obstrucción temporaria del orificio por el hígado o bazo; a la existencia de saco herniario.Clínicamente se manifiestan por sintomatología respiratoria-digestiva y/o cardiaca. Pueden también ser asintomáticas y tratarse de un hallazgo radiológico, o pueden debutar con una complicación estrangulación, dando un cuadro de shock y muerte súbita.La radiología es de fundamental importancia para el diagnóstico, y al mismo no lo invalida la existencia de estudio radiológico de tórax previo normal. Se hacen consideraciones en cuanto a la oportunidad y la técnica operatoria y los tiempos operatorios a efectuar.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Description of two cases of congenit posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia with tardy clinical manifestation. Embryological consideration of the diaphragm, being the cause of the hernia, the persistence of Bochdalek foramen.Late manifestation may be due to: a) a narrow diaphragmatic orífice; b) temporary obstruction of the orífice by the liver or the spleen; c) the presence of a hernia pocket.Clinically, hernias manifest themselves through respiratory- digestive and/or cardiac symptomatology.They may also be asymptomatic and become a radiological finding, or may first appear as a complication (strangulation), determining a condition of shock and sudden death.Radiology is of primary importance for the diagnosis which will not be invalidated by the existence of prior normal radiological study of the chest. Finaliy, considerations are made on indications of operations and operative times.