Post-cesarean colonic ileus: cecal perforation without mechanical obstruction

Ileo colónico postcesárea: perforación cecal sin obstrucción mecánica

Cazabán, Luis A - Baldizán, Jorge W - Flores, Nelson H - Carriquiry, Luis A


Two cases of important cecal distension due to colonic ileus following cesarean section are reportea. One of them with diastasic perforation of the cecum; theother one, with pre-perforative lesions of its wall. The authors analyze the available bibliography on this subject. The diagnostic problems are remarked and particularemphasis is placed on the fact that only an early laparotomy with a decompressive cecostomy can decrease the high mortality of this condition.

Se presentan 2 casos de sobredistensión cecal por íleo postcesáre,a, sin obstrucción mecánica, uno con perforación cecal, y otro en inminencia id.e ella. Existen dificultades en el dfagnóstico. Se subraya la importancia de una, laparotomía precoz con cecostomía como forma de disminuir la mortalidad de la ruptura cecal.

Detalles Bibliográficos
oclusión intestinal
intestinal occlusion
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Two cases of important cecal distension due to colonic ileus following cesarean section are reportea. One of them with diastasic perforation of the cecum; theother one, with pre-perforative lesions of its wall. The authors analyze the available bibliography on this subject. The diagnostic problems are remarked and particularemphasis is placed on the fact that only an early laparotomy with a decompressive cecostomy can decrease the high mortality of this condition.