Thyroid sequestration and Hashimoto

Secuestración tiroidea y Hashimoto

Rodríguez, José Luis - Palacio, José Luis - Maedo, Noemí - Chiossoni, Marta - Bergalli, Luis - Navarrete, Héctor D


The author presents an infrequent entity such as asequestered thyroid nodule, defines it, makes a briefbibliographical revision, emphasizing aspects of thedifferential diagnosis with other entities which it can beconfused with, and comes to the conc/usion that itsimportance /ies in the fact that confusion due to ignorancecan lead to serious diagnostica/ and therapeutica/ errors

Se ha presentado un caso de una entidad infrecuente,como es el nódulo tiroideo secuestrado; se lo define, sehace una breve revisión bibliográfica, resaltando /osaspectos diagnósticos diferenciales con otras entidadescon las que se puede confundir. Concluyendo que suimportancia radica en que dicha confusión, pordesconocimiento, puede llevar a errores diagnósticos yterapéuticos de trascendencia.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The author presents an infrequent entity such as asequestered thyroid nodule, defines it, makes a briefbibliographical revision, emphasizing aspects of thedifferential diagnosis with other entities which it can beconfused with, and comes to the conc/usion that itsimportance /ies in the fact that confusion due to ignorancecan lead to serious diagnostica/ and therapeutica/ errors