Peripheral intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (cip)

Colangiocarcinoma intrahepático periférico (cip)

Keuchkerián, Marcel - Hernández, Nelia - Sanguinetti, Julio


Pepheral intrahepatic cholagiocarcinoma (PIC) isan adenocarcinoma which has developed from theepithelium of sma/1 bife represents approximately from 3% to 5% of primitiveliver tumors. lts maximum incidence is fromage 50 onas. lt has we/1-deined geographic distribution,being the most frequent liver tumor insone Asian countries. lts onset is favored by certainintrahepatic lithiasis pathologies, Caroli's disease,sclerosing cholangitis, inlammatory colitis,exposure to Thorotrasf and sone parasitosis.In man y of these we propase as lesion mechanism,biliary stasis and infection which /ead to biliay displasiaand final/y to carcinoma.

El colangiocarcinoma intrahepático perférico (CIP)es un adenocarcinoma desarrollado a pa1ir delepitelio de los pequeños duetos biliares.Representa del 3 al 5% de los tumores primitivosdel hígado. Su incidencia máxima es a pat1ir delos 50 años. Presenta una distribución geográicabien definida, es el tumor hepático más frecuenteen algunos países asiáticos. Su aparición se vefavoecida por:litiasis intrahepática, enfermeadde Caroli, colangítis esclerosante, colitis inlamatoria,exposición al Thorotras® y algunas parasitosis.En muchas de éstas se propone como mecanismolesiona/ la estasis biliar e infección queconduce a la displasia biliar y por último al carcinoma.

Detalles Bibliográficos
conductos biliares
bile ducts
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Pepheral intrahepatic cholagiocarcinoma (PIC) isan adenocarcinoma which has developed from theepithelium of sma/1 bife represents approximately from 3% to 5% of primitiveliver tumors. lts maximum incidence is fromage 50 onas. lt has we/1-deined geographic distribution,being the most frequent liver tumor insone Asian countries. lts onset is favored by certainintrahepatic lithiasis pathologies, Caroli's disease,sclerosing cholangitis, inlammatory colitis,exposure to Thorotrasf and sone parasitosis.In man y of these we propase as lesion mechanism,biliary stasis and infection which /ead to biliay displasiaand final/y to carcinoma.