Chronic Wound Care

El cuidado de las heridas crónicas

Castelli, Fernando - Maglione, Oscar - Cimarra, Fernando


The reason for presenting this review of the tapieconcerning the care of chronic wounds is beca useof its significance and impact on health.The paper defines the salient characteristics withrespect to classification, etiology, para-clinical studies,as we/1 as such therapy measures as are commonto al/ ulcers.There follows an analysis of the various productswhich are common/y used in washing wounds, antisepsis,use of dressings and bandages.This type of patient should be treated through amulti-disciplinarian approach and in specializedcentres.

Presentamos una revisión del tema del cuidado delas heridas crónicas en vistas de su importancia eimpacto a nivel de la salud. Definimos las característicasmás importantes en cuanto a la clasificación,etiología, estudios paraclínicos, así como alas medidas terapéuticas comunes a todas las úlceras.Se analizan los diferentes productos de usocomún en el lavado de heridas, antisepsia, uso deapósitos y vendajes. Se recomienda la atenciónde este tipo de pacientes en forma multidisciplinariay en centros especializados

Detalles Bibliográficos
heridas y traumatismos
cicatrización de heridas
wounds and injuries
wound healing
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The reason for presenting this review of the tapieconcerning the care of chronic wounds is beca useof its significance and impact on health.The paper defines the salient characteristics withrespect to classification, etiology, para-clinical studies,as we/1 as such therapy measures as are commonto al/ ulcers.There follows an analysis of the various productswhich are common/y used in washing wounds, antisepsis,use of dressings and bandages.This type of patient should be treated through amulti-disciplinarian approach and in specializedcentres.