Hypersecretory ductal carcinoma cystic infiltrating breast
Carcinoma ductal hipersecretorio quístico infiltrante de mama
The cystic hypersecretory carcinomaconstitutes a rare variant of mammary duct carcinoma.l t is characterized, both macro - andmicroscopically - by a marked multicystic secretoryimage with gelatinoid contents similar to those ofthyroid colloid, as we/1 as a carcinomatousmicropapillary coating over adjacent cysts and ducts.The majority of cases published involve intraductcarcinomas with diameters as large as 1 O cms.The patient, a 43 year-old woman, consultedwith respect to a palpable tumoration in left breast.Mammography showed an image which was compatiblewith that of a phy/lode cystosarcoma; thepossibility of its being a malignant lesion was not tobe discarded. Quadrantectomy, supplemented bye x temporaneous study, was not conclusive.Anatomopathologíc examination of cross sections inparaffin proved it to be an l nfiltrating C ysticHypersecretory Duct Carcinoma. Subsequent axillarydissection was marked by the absence of metastasesin lymph nodes.
El CARCINOMA H IPERSECRETORIOQUISTICO es una variante excepcional de carcinomaductal de mama. Se caracteriza macro ymicroscópicamente por una imagen secretoria marcada,multiquística con contenido gelatinoso similaral coloide tiroideo y con revestimiento micropapilarcarcinomatoso en quistes y duetos adyacentes. Lamayoría de los casos publicados son carcinomasintraductales aún con diámetros de hasta 10cm. Seestudia una paciente de 43 años que consultó poruna tumoración palpable de mama izquierda. Lamamografía mostró una imagen compatible con uncistosarcoma filoides no descartando una lesiónmaligna. Se realizó cuadrantectomía con estudioextemporáneo inconcluyente. El examenanatomopatológico de cortes en parafina mostró unCarcinoma Ductal Hipersecretorio Quístico infiltrante.El vaciamiento axilar posterior no mostró metástasisganglionares.Son necesarios estudios de mayor númerode casos y seguimientos a largo plazo para determinarsi ésta lesión tiene características clínicas y comportamientobiológico propios
2001 | |
mama carcinoma breast carcinoma |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | |
https://revista.scu.org.uy/index.php/cir_urug/article/view/4407 | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | The cystic hypersecretory carcinomaconstitutes a rare variant of mammary duct carcinoma.l t is characterized, both macro - andmicroscopically - by a marked multicystic secretoryimage with gelatinoid contents similar to those ofthyroid colloid, as we/1 as a carcinomatousmicropapillary coating over adjacent cysts and ducts.The majority of cases published involve intraductcarcinomas with diameters as large as 1 O cms.The patient, a 43 year-old woman, consultedwith respect to a palpable tumoration in left breast.Mammography showed an image which was compatiblewith that of a phy/lode cystosarcoma; thepossibility of its being a malignant lesion was not tobe discarded. Quadrantectomy, supplemented bye x temporaneous study, was not conclusive.Anatomopathologíc examination of cross sections inparaffin proved it to be an l nfiltrating C ysticHypersecretory Duct Carcinoma. Subsequent axillarydissection was marked by the absence of metastasesin lymph nodes. |