Origins of American influence in Uruguayan surgery

Orígenes de la influencia estadounidense en la cirugía uruguaya

Wilson, Eduardo


Uruguayan surgery gave its first steps at the end of the/ast centur, following the teachings of French surge.The influence of North American surgery began duringthe beginnings of the twentieth century lt becameparticular/y impotan/ ater the World War /, growingcontinuos/y thereafter until the present day In thisprocess, the following facts are considered of relevance:the uneven development of European and U.S. surgery;Uruguayan surgeons receptivity to scientific progress; /heeconomical and politica/ effects of the 1914 war; thetravels to the United States of Uruguayan surgeons andespecial/y those made by delegations of the AmericanCol/ege of Surgeons to Montevideo in 1920, 1921 and1923, with the resulting scientific exchange, bonds offriendship, mutual acknowledgement and anecdotes

La cirugía uruguaya dio sus primeros pasos a fines delsiglo pasado, siguiendo la huella de la cirugía francesa.En el transcurso del siglo XX surgió la influencia de lacirugía de Estados Unidos. Esta adquirió especialimportancia a partir de la Primera Guerra Mundial,afianzándose en forma progresiva hasta el presente. Eneste proceso se destacan como importantes lossiguientes hechos: el diferente grado de desarrolo quetuvieron la cirugía europea y la estadounidense; lareceptividad científica de los cirujanos uruguayos; losefectos económicos y políticos de la guerra de 1914; losviajes de cirujanos uruguayos a Estados Unidos y enespecial los realizados por delegaciones del AmericanCollege of Surgeons a Montevideo en 1920, 1921 y 1923,con su corolario de intercambio científico, lazos deamistad, mutuos reconocimientos y anécdotas

Detalles Bibliográficos
historia de la medicina
medicine history
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Uruguayan surgery gave its first steps at the end of the/ast centur, following the teachings of French surge.The influence of North American surgery began duringthe beginnings of the twentieth century lt becameparticular/y impotan/ ater the World War /, growingcontinuos/y thereafter until the present day In thisprocess, the following facts are considered of relevance:the uneven development of European and U.S. surgery;Uruguayan surgeons receptivity to scientific progress; /heeconomical and politica/ effects of the 1914 war; thetravels to the United States of Uruguayan surgeons andespecial/y those made by delegations of the AmericanCol/ege of Surgeons to Montevideo in 1920, 1921 and1923, with the resulting scientific exchange, bonds offriendship, mutual acknowledgement and anecdotes