Sporadic intra-abdominal desmoid tumor

Tumor desmoide intra abdominal esporádico

Santiago, Pablo - Cedrés, Adriana - Ferreira, Carlos - Yapur, Mónica


A 44-year old patient consulted about an intraabdominal tumorous condition, which was found tobe a desmoid tumor.There follows a description of the procedure in volvedin its diagnosis and subsequent therapy.There are severa/ interesting elements to be derivedfrom both bibliography and analysis of this case.In the first place, it is considerabley difficult toestablish a differential diagnosis whit GISTs, itbeing necessary to resort to inmuno-histochemistry.lntra abdominal desmoids onlycorrespond to 10% of al/ desmoids.On the other hand and given their rare occurrencethere is little evidente as to the correct therapy tobe applied.

Se analiza el caso de un paciente de 44 años queconsultó por una tumoración intra abdominal, quecorrespondió a un tumor desmoide. Se comentanlos pasos diagnósticos y terapéuticos. De la revisiónbibliográfica y su análisis surgen varios hechosinteresantes a destacar. En primer lugar lodifícil del diagnóstico diferencial con los GIST, paralo cual es necesario recurrir a la inmunohistoquímica.Los desmoides intra abdominales solo correspondenal 10% de todos los desmoides. Porotro lado, y dada la poca frecuencia de esta afección,señalamos la poca evidencia que existe encuanto a la más correcta modalidad terapéutica.Se analizan factores clínicos, paraclínicos, etiológicosy terapéuticos

Detalles Bibliográficos
fibromatosis agresiva
tumor desmoide
fibromatosis aggressive
desmoids tumors
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:A 44-year old patient consulted about an intraabdominal tumorous condition, which was found tobe a desmoid tumor.There follows a description of the procedure in volvedin its diagnosis and subsequent therapy.There are severa/ interesting elements to be derivedfrom both bibliography and analysis of this case.In the first place, it is considerabley difficult toestablish a differential diagnosis whit GISTs, itbeing necessary to resort to inmuno-histochemistry.lntra abdominal desmoids onlycorrespond to 10% of al/ desmoids.On the other hand and given their rare occurrencethere is little evidente as to the correct therapy tobe applied.