Gastric Crohn disease in children.
Enfermedad de Crohn gástrico en el niño
Description of a case of gastric Crohn disease in a13-years-old-girl. Crohn disease is in fact no very frequent,this one being the first case described locally,concerning a child and with a gastric topographic location.Authors consider clinical, radiological and endoscopicaspects of the case, also considering the thera•peutic behavior of same.
Se presenta un caso de enfermedad de Crohn gástricoen una niña de 13 años. La enfermedad de Crohn esen sí poco frecuente, siendo éste el primer caso a topografíagástrica, en el niño, descrito en nuestro medio.Se realizan consideraciones clínicas, radiológicas yendoscópicas, como así también en cuanto a su conductaterapéutica.
1984 | |
enfermedades intestinales intestinal diseases |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | Description of a case of gastric Crohn disease in a13-years-old-girl. Crohn disease is in fact no very frequent,this one being the first case described locally,concerning a child and with a gastric topographic location.Authors consider clinical, radiological and endoscopicaspects of the case, also considering the thera•peutic behavior of same. |