Secondary liver cancer, metastasectomy multiple, jaundice due to pedicular neoplastic nodes, hepatic jejunostomy calibrated with tube transhepatic in line. Forty month survival

Cáncer secundario de hígado, metastasectomía múltiple, ictericia por ganglios neoplásicos pediculares, hepático yeyunostomía calibrada con tubo transhepático en sedal. Sobrevida de cuarenta meses

Praderi, Raúl C - Torterolo, Edgardo - Ottati, Alfio - Tiscornia, Eduardo


A 64 year old fema/e underwent two-stepsurgery for cancer of the sigmoid. Thirtymonths /ater she developed tour metastasis indifferent hepatic lobes which were total/yresected. 19 months later she presentedobstructive jaundice due to pedícle neoplasticnodes which did not exist in the initialsurgery. Decompression was carried out bymeans of a transhepatic tube at right and shewas reoperated undergoinghepaticojejunostomy by means of atransfixiant transhepatic tube. She wastreated with 5-fluoracy/ and severa/ drainagereplacements were performed. She died 21months later. She survived metastasis for 40months and six years overa//. The authorspoint out the curious sequence of hepaticmetastasis at first and pedicle metastasis laterwhich were treated in that order. Literatureana/ysis reveals few references to thissituation and no similar cases.

Una mujer de 64 años fue operada en dostiempos resecándole un cáncer de sigmoides.Treinta meses después desarrolla cuatrometástasis en distintos lóbulos hepáticos queson extirpadas totalmente, 19 meses despuéshace una ictericia obstructiva por adenopatíasneoplásicas pediculares que no existían en laoperación inicial. Se decomprime con un tubotranshepático derecho y es reoperadaefectuando una hepaticoyeyunostomíacalibrada por tubo transhepático en sedal. Setrata con 5 f/uoracilo· y se efectúan varioscambios de su drenaje. Fallece 21 mesesdespués. Sobrevivió 40 meses a lasmetastasectomías y seis años en total.Se señala la curiosa secuencia de metástasishepáticas primero y pediculares después quefueron tratadas en ese orden. El análisis de laliteratura revela pocas referencias a estasituación y ningún caso similar.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:A 64 year old fema/e underwent two-stepsurgery for cancer of the sigmoid. Thirtymonths /ater she developed tour metastasis indifferent hepatic lobes which were total/yresected. 19 months later she presentedobstructive jaundice due to pedícle neoplasticnodes which did not exist in the initialsurgery. Decompression was carried out bymeans of a transhepatic tube at right and shewas reoperated undergoinghepaticojejunostomy by means of atransfixiant transhepatic tube. She wastreated with 5-fluoracy/ and severa/ drainagereplacements were performed. She died 21months later. She survived metastasis for 40months and six years overa//. The authorspoint out the curious sequence of hepaticmetastasis at first and pedicle metastasis laterwhich were treated in that order. Literatureana/ysis reveals few references to thissituation and no similar cases.