Reconstruction of the sternum.
Reconstrucción del esternón
lnfection and dehiscence of median sternotomy,though rare, has a high morbimortality if ísn't adqua•tely treated. In those patients that don't improve wlththe closed irrigation technique and that before wereopened and packed with gauze, wlth high risk andprolonged hospltalization. We have had excellentresults with the use of muscle flaps.In our small serie of 8 patients, we have treated2 cases of mediastinitis and dehiscense of sternotomyand 6 cases of chronic suppurative sternochondrltiswithout mortality. The shortage of hospitalization timeis other of the benefits that derives from the useof these procedures.
La infección y/o dehiscencia de la esternotomia mediana,aunque poco frecuentes, tiene elevada morbi•mortalidad si no se trata adecuadamente. En aquellospacientes que no mejoran con la técnica de la irriga•ción cerrada y que antes eran abiertos y mechados congran riesgo vital y prolongada hospitalización, hemostenido excelentes resultados utilizando los colgajosmusculares descritos.De nuestra pequeña serie de ocho pacientes, hemostratado 2 casos de mediastinltis y dehiscencia de la es•ternotomía y 6 casos de condroosteítis esternal supuradacrónica, con mortalidad cero. El acortamiento delperíodo de hospitalización es otro de los beneficios de•rlvado del uso de estas técnicas.
1987 | |
esternón cirugía plástica esternum plastic surgery |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | lnfection and dehiscence of median sternotomy,though rare, has a high morbimortality if ísn't adqua•tely treated. In those patients that don't improve wlththe closed irrigation technique and that before wereopened and packed with gauze, wlth high risk andprolonged hospltalization. We have had excellentresults with the use of muscle flaps.In our small serie of 8 patients, we have treated2 cases of mediastinitis and dehiscense of sternotomyand 6 cases of chronic suppurative sternochondrltiswithout mortality. The shortage of hospitalization timeis other of the benefits that derives from the useof these procedures. |