Conceptual aspects of a liver transplant program in Uruguay
Aspectos conceptuales sobre un programa de transplante hepático en Uruguay
increasing indication and encouraging results. Thepresent impossibility of offering this therapeuticaloption to carriers of terminal hepatopaty is aserious gap in health care which should be brieflymodified. The aim of this paper es to analyseconceptual aspects as regards material, legal andeconomical resources which are a basis fardiscussion of a project far the developement of ahepatic transplantation program in Uruguay.The authors consider it absolutely necessary tocount on a highly complex facilities hospital, amultiapproach team with adequate technicalcapacity and an efficient program of organobten/ion. Besides, the features and dimension ofthe programa require a thorogh economicalanalysis. The creation of a multiapproach team soas to analyse the feasability of carrying out hepatictransplantation in our country is proposed.
El transplante hepático es una terapéuticacompleja, de indicación creciente y resultadosalentadores.La imposibilidad actual en nuestro país, de ofreceresta opción terapéutica a pacientes portadores deuna hepatopatía terminal, constituye una situaciónde vacío asistencial que debe ser revertida enbreve plazo.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar aspectosconceptuales sobre los recursos materiales,jurídicos y económicos, que constituyen la base dediscusión de un proyecto para el desarrollo de unprograma de TH en el Uruguay.Se considera imprescindible contar con un centrohospitalario de alta complejidad, un equipomultidisciplinario con capacitación técnicaadecuada y un eficaz programa de procuración deórganos. Asimismo, las características y amplituddel programa requieren un exhaustivo análisiseconómico. Se propone impulsar la constitución deun equipo multidisciplinario para analizar laviabilidad de realizar TH en nuestro medio.
1996 | |
trasplante hígado trasplant liver |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | increasing indication and encouraging results. Thepresent impossibility of offering this therapeuticaloption to carriers of terminal hepatopaty is aserious gap in health care which should be brieflymodified. The aim of this paper es to analyseconceptual aspects as regards material, legal andeconomical resources which are a basis fardiscussion of a project far the developement of ahepatic transplantation program in Uruguay.The authors consider it absolutely necessary tocount on a highly complex facilities hospital, amultiapproach team with adequate technicalcapacity and an efficient program of organobten/ion. Besides, the features and dimension ofthe programa require a thorogh economicalanalysis. The creation of a multiapproach team soas to analyse the feasability of carrying out hepatictransplantation in our country is proposed. |