Necrosis progresiva bacteriana sinérgica

Morelli Brum, Raúl - Torterolo, Edgardo - Pomi, Jorge - de Vecchi, Jorge - Fernández Perdomo, Gonzalo - Fischer, Tabaré Mario


Progressi ve bacterian syner gic necrosis has been known far over 70 years and seve ra! authors. Have written papers on this disease. A review of availablebib!iography and the study of 6 personal observations over a two-year period, has -esulted in this attempt to update information on this disease and to describe itin ou- country, where no observations were found. It is a rare malady, which generally affects patients \ith prior infirmities, generally caused by bacteriansynergism between an aerobian and an anaerobian germ which resuHs in practically simultaneous skin and subcutaneous tissue necrosis, which developslowly, whilethe patient's condition remaing that of the initial stages. Morbility and death-rate are high if it is not detected in time. Elective treatment is su

La Necrosis Progresiva Bacteriana Sinérgica es una afección conocida desde hace más de 70 años, que ha mo1tivado trabajos de diferentes autores. De'1 análisis de la bibliografía disponible y del estudio de 6 observaciones personales que reunimos en un lapso de 2 años, intentam,os actualizar esta afección y describi-la en nuestro medio donde no hemos encontrado observaciones. Es una enfermeda-d poco frecuente, que afecta en general a pacientes con taras previas, causada generalmente por un si;ergismo bacteriano entre un germen aerobio y un anaerobio, que provocan una ·necrosis de la piel y del tejido celular subcutáneo más o menos simultáneo, de curso_ lento, con estado• general del pacienteconservado ,en sus etapas iniciales. Posee una alta morbilidad y mortalidad si no es reconocida a tiempo. Su tratamiento de elección es el quirúrgico y consiste en la resección -de todoslos tejidos necrosados.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:Progressi ve bacterian syner gic necrosis has been known far over 70 years and seve ra! authors. Have written papers on this disease. A review of availablebib!iography and the study of 6 personal observations over a two-year period, has -esulted in this attempt to update information on this disease and to describe itin ou- country, where no observations were found. It is a rare malady, which generally affects patients \ith prior infirmities, generally caused by bacteriansynergism between an aerobian and an anaerobian germ which resuHs in practically simultaneous skin and subcutaneous tissue necrosis, which developslowly, whilethe patient's condition remaing that of the initial stages. Morbility and death-rate are high if it is not detected in time. Elective treatment is su