Laparoscopic adrenalectomy
Adrenalectomía laparoscópica
The paper presents the case of a fema/e patientwho carried an aldosterone-secreting tumor of adrenal cortex. In the ana/ysis of diagnosis and parac/inical examinations there is particular referenceto the /aparoscopic surgery mode of treatment.Diagnosis should be estab/ished on the basis ofclinica/ and laboratory tests (hypopotassemia andhypera/dosteronism).Tumor topography was confirmed through CT sean,MRI and Scintiscan in left adrenal cortex. Resectionwas consequently made through /aparoscopicsurgery. The patient's evo/ution was excel/ent fromthe surgica/ viewpoint, with / /e veis of b/ood pressure,potassium and a/dosterone returned to normal.
Se presenta un caso clínico de una paciente portadorade un tumor funcionante de la corteza suprarrenalsecretor de aldosterona. Se analiza eldiagnóstico, los exámenes parac/ínicos y en particularla modalidad de tratamiento por cirugía laparoscópica.El diagnóstico se planteó por la clínicay los exámenes de laboratorio (hipopotasemia ehiperaldosteronismo).Se confirmó la topografía del tumor con los exámenesimagenológicos (TAC, RMN y Centel/ograma),localizándose a nivel de la glándula suprarrenalizquierda. Se realizó el abordaje por cirugía/aparoscópica, procediéndose a su resección. Laevolución de la paciente del punto de vista quirúrgicofue excelente, normalizándose las cifras dehipertensión arterial, potasemia y aldosterona.
2005 | |
cirugía laparoscópica laparoscopic surgery |
Español | |
Sociedad de Cirugía del Uruguay | |
Revista Cirugía del Uruguay | | | |
Acceso abierto |
Sumario: | The paper presents the case of a fema/e patientwho carried an aldosterone-secreting tumor of adrenal cortex. In the ana/ysis of diagnosis and parac/inical examinations there is particular referenceto the /aparoscopic surgery mode of treatment.Diagnosis should be estab/ished on the basis ofclinica/ and laboratory tests (hypopotassemia andhypera/dosteronism).Tumor topography was confirmed through CT sean,MRI and Scintiscan in left adrenal cortex. Resectionwas consequently made through /aparoscopicsurgery. The patient's evo/ution was excel/ent fromthe surgica/ viewpoint, with / /e veis of b/ood pressure,potassium and a/dosterone returned to normal. |