The uses of the document in the digital format: hypervinculation and truth in the Cablegate coverage

Los usos del documento en el periodismo digital hipervínculos y verdad en la cobertura del Cablegate

Os usos do documento no jornalismo digital: hipervínculos e verdade na cobertura do cablegate

Francescutti, Pablo; Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Detalles Bibliográficos
document, veridiction, journalism, proof, archive
documento, veridicción, periodismo, archivo, prueba
Universidad ORT Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Copyright (c) 2017 Inmediaciones de la Comunicación
Sumario:Since the beginning of modern journalism, the document has played a vital role in its veridiction strategies as provider of evidences according the rules of “objective” reporting. In this paper we focus on the changes in its status promoted by online journalism. Drawing on Bolter & Grusin’s remediation theory (1999), we analyze the uses of leaked documents made by the Spanish newspaper El País’s Cablegate coverage (the United States diplomatic cables leak). Our analysis suggests that the digital press has strengthened the document’s evidential value. In parallel to this, the data bases take an unusual centrality: in the emergent media ecosystem, the newspaper projects itself as archive. We conclude that this type of studies underlines how important it is for the analysis to include the semiotic dimension of interfaces together with theirs belief regimes, i. e. the attitudes which govern our expectations about the truthfulness and objectivity of digital media content.(Complete article in spanish language).