Holofractal music on stage: experiments of semiotic transduction of holonomic notions in performatic art

Música holofractal en el escenario: experimentos de transducción semiótica de nociones holonómicas en el arte de performance

Música holofractal em cena: experimientos de transdução semiótica de noções holonômicas em arte performática

Prates, Eufrasio; Instituto de Arte, Universidade de Brasília
Detalles Bibliográficos
music, holofractal, semiotics, performative arts
música, holofractal, semiótica, artes performáticas
Universidad ORT Uruguay
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Copyright (c) 2016 Inmediaciones de la Comunicación
Sumario:This article presents the doctoral research on some semiotic transduction experiments of contemporary notions of physics -especially those from the holonomic theory, chaos theory and fractal geometry, such as atemporality, acausality, unpredictability, multidimensionality and others- into performance art processes involving music, dance, theater, video, etc. based on the use, in varying degrees, of new digital interactive technologies. The main outcome is the qualitative confirmation that an emphasis on firstnesses and secondnesses of intersemiotic translations in such experiments reinforced affective aspects in their perception, in the opinion of the participants: artists and audience.(Complete article in portuguese language).