Attitude towards mathematics of fifth grade primary school students and self-efficacy of teachers

Actitud hacia las matemáticas de los estudiantes de quinto grado de educación primaria y autoeficacia de los profesores

Atitude em relação à matemática de alunos do quinto ano do ensino fundamental e autoeficácia do professor

Segarra, Jaime Rodrigo - Julià, Carme
Detalles Bibliográficos
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
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Sumario:In this research work, the attitude towards mathematics of 194 fifth grade students is studied. Additionally, the arithmetic mean between teachers' beliefs about mathematics teaching and students' attitudes is studied. The Mathematics Attitude Scale (MAS) is used to measure students' attitudes. The Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument (Mtebi) is used to measure the teachers' efficacy beliefs. The results indicate that students have a favorable level of attitude towards mathematics. The confidence factor has higher scores. The study of means indicates that students with a higher attitude have mathematics teachers with greater teachers' self-efficacy in teaching mathematics. Teachers should consider attitude as an important factor in student cognitive development.