The effects of the Promove-Casais program on conjugality, parenting, mental health, and child behavior

Efectos del programa Promove-Casais para la conyugalidad, la paternidad, la salud mental y el comportamiento de los niños

Efeitos do programa Promove-Casais para a conjugalidade, parentalidade, saúde mental e comportamentos infantis

Ferraz, Flaviane Izidro Alves de Lima - Bolsoni-Silva, Alessandra T.
Detalles Bibliográficos
mental health
social skills
behavior problems
behavior-analytic therapy
parent-child relationships
marital relationship
salud mental
habilidades sociales
terapia analítica conductual
problemas de comportamiento
relacionamiento conyugal
relacionamiento parental
saúde mental
habilidades sociais
problemas de comportamento
relacionamento conjugal
terapia analítico comportamental
relacionamento parental
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:This study describes the effects of the Promove-Casais program on marital relationships, parenting, child behavior, and mental health. Nine couples were randomly assigned to two groups: five to the experimental group (EG) and four to the control group (CG). The participants completed the instruments measuring this study’s variables of interest. The results indicate the intervention was effective because, after the intervention, the experimental group more frequently experienced positive relationships (improved communication, affection, and self-control), positive parent-child interactions, and improved marital satisfaction and children’s social skills, while negative marital relationships, negative parent-child interactions, and problem behaviors subsided; these results remained in the follow-up. On the other hand, the CG experienced no such changes. The conclusion is that Promove-Casais can be implemented to prevent and remediate interactional problems within the family, promoting improved quality of life and mental health.