The conventionality control by the States part of the American Convention on Human Rights and chilean courts

El control de convencionalidad por los Estados parte de la Convención Americana sobre Derechos Humanos y tribunales chilenos

Controle de convencionalidade por parte de Estados-membros da Convenção Americana sobre direitos humanos e chileno tribunais

Nogueira Alcalá, Humberto
Detalles Bibliográficos
American Convention of Human Rights
conventionality control internal
jurisprudence of Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court of Chile.
Convenção Americana de direitos humanos
controle de convencionalidade interna
jurisprudência da Suprema Corte
Tribunal Constitucional do Chile.
Convención americana sobre Derechos Humanos
control de convencionalidad interno
jurisprudencia de Corte Suprema
Tribunal Constitucional de Chile.
Universidad Católica del Uruguay
Acceso abierto
Sumario:The article aims to consider the main provisions of positive law of the ACHR that enables the development of the concept of internal conventionality control of that must be developed States party in accordance with the issued jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court. Also is determines the content that considered said of conventionality control in its State current, in which is has produced an evolution and some details that originally not were certain. To the light of such perspective, is analyzed some sentences of the Supreme Court and of the Chilean Constitutional Court that implement different aspects of said conventionality control.