Biopotential monitoring

Oreggioni, Julián - Caputi, Ángel - Silveira, Fernando


Biopotentials measurements are essential for biological research and biomedical monitoring of excitable tissues. This chapter provides an overview of biopotential monitoring, from the biological basis to the circuit and system techniques. Signal acquisition, processing, and transmission are fundamental capabilities of biomedical research and medical devices development. In these topics, integrated, low-power consumption systems for portable, wearable, or implantable monitoring of neural signals are taken as study case, presenting both current research trends and established solutions. Starting from the biological sources of the biopotentials, the main observation levels are presented. The design of the integrated front-end amplifier, which must cope with the tougher trade-offs, is discussed, and the system level requirements and alternatives for data acquisition, processing, and wireless transmission are summarized.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Analog front-end
Biomedical integrated circuit
Biopotential amplifier
Biopotential monitoring specifications
Biopotential organization levels
Biopotential sources
Low-power wireless communication
Neural recording
Wireless biopotential monitoring
Universidad de la República
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Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)

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