The non- parametric sub-pixel local point spread function estimation is a well posed problem

Delbracio, Mauricio - Musé, Pablo - Almansa, Andrés - Morel, Jean-Michel


Most medium to high quality digital cameras (DSLRs) acquire images at a spatial rate which is several times below the ideal Nyquist rate. For this reason only aliased versions of the cameral point-spreadfunction (psf) can be directly observed. Yet, it can be recovered, at a sub-pixel resolution, by a numerical method. Since the acquisition system is only locally stationary, this psf estimation must be local. This paper presents a theoretical study proving that the sub-pixel psf estimation problem is well-posed even with a single well chosen observation. Indeed, theoretical bounds show that a near-optimal accuracy can be achieved with a calibration pattern mimicking a Bernoulli(0.5) random noise. The physical realization of this psf estimation method is demonstrated in many comparative experiments. They use an algorithm estimating accurately the pattern position and its illumination conditions. Once this accurate registration is obtained, the local psf can be directly computed by inverting a well conditioned linear system. The psf estimates reach stringent accuracy levels with a relative error in the order of 2-5%. To the best of our knowledge, such a regularization free and model-free sub-pixel psf estimation scheme is the first of its kind.

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Universidad de la República
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Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)

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