Angular and polarization trails from effective interactions of Majorana neutrinos at the LHeC

Duarte, Lucía - Zapata, Gabriel - Sampayo, Oscar A.


We study the possibility of the LHeC facility todisentangle different new physics contributions to the pro-duction of heavy sterile Majorana neutrinos in the leptonnumber violating channel e−p→l+j+3jets (lj≡e,μ). Thisis done investigating the angular and polarization trails ofeffective operators with distinct Dirac–Lorentz structure con-tributing to the Majorana neutrino production, which param-eterize new physics from a higher energy scale. We study anasymmetry in the angular distribution of the final anti-leptonand the initial electron polarization effect on the number ofsignal events produced by the vectorial and scalar effectiveinteractions, finding both analyses could well separate theircontributions

Detalles Bibliográficos
Universidad de la República
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Licencia Creative Common Atribución (CC-BY)

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