Separation of powers with ideological parties

Forteza, Alvaro - Pereyra, Juan S.


Separation of powers with checks and balances (SP) is usually regarded as a key institution complementing elections in the control of elected o cials. However, some analysts and many politicians also warn that excessive checks on the executive in the presence of polarization may lead to political inaction. We present a political agency model with ideological parties where citizens and politicians care about rents (the valence issue) and policy (a positional issue). We show that SP unambiguously raises voters welfare in highly-polarized non-competitive political environments, because it strengthens both discipline and selection without causing political gridlock (voters can grant the executive the legislative majorities needed to enact reforms). SP also raises voters' welfare if elections are very e ective at disciplining rst period incumbents. However, SP may reduce it if most rents go undetected and reform is not a rst order issue.

La separación de poderes con controles y contrapesos (SP) es usualmente considerada como una institución clave que complementa las elecciones en el control de los políticos electos. Sin embargo, algunos analistas y muchos políticos también advierten que controles excesivos del ejecutivo en presencia de polarización, puede conducir a una inacción política. Presentamos un modelo de agencia política con partidos ideológicos donde los ciudadanos y los políticos se preocupan tanto por las rentas como por la política. A diferencia de las rentas que son valoradas de la misma forma por todos los votantes, distintos votantes tienen diferentes preferencias en cuanto a la política a implementar. Demostramos que la SP aumenta inequívocamente el bienestar de los votantes en entornos políticos no competitivos y altamente polarizados, porque fortalece la disciplina y la selección sin causar un estancamiento político (los votantes pueden otorgar al ejecutivo las mayorías legislativas necesarias para las promulgar reformas). SP también aumenta el bienestar de los votantes si las elecciones son muy efectivas para disciplinar a los políticos en el poder durante el primer período. Sin embargo, SP puede reducirlo si la mayoría de los rentas no se detectan y la reforma no es un problema de primer orden.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Agencia política
Separación de poderes
Controles y contrapesos
Universidad de la República
Acceso abierto
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución - No Comercial - Sin Derivadas (CC - By-NC-ND 4.0)
Sumario:Separation of powers with checks and balances (SP) is usually regarded as a key institution complementing elections in the control of elected o cials. However, some analysts and many politicians also warn that excessive checks on the executive in the presence of polarization may lead to political inaction. We present a political agency model with ideological parties where citizens and politicians care about rents (the valence issue) and policy (a positional issue). We show that SP unambiguously raises voters welfare in highly-polarized non-competitive political environments, because it strengthens both discipline and selection without causing political gridlock (voters can grant the executive the legislative majorities needed to enact reforms). SP also raises voters' welfare if elections are very e ective at disciplining rst period incumbents. However, SP may reduce it if most rents go undetected and reform is not a rst order issue.