An institution for UML 2.0 state machines

Calegari García, Daniel - Szasz, Nora


The theory of institutions provides an elegant and robust framework for programming in the large and in particular for compositionality. It can be used to define an heterogeneous environment for the semantic definition of UML, consisting of a family of formalisms which capture various UML sublanguages, and morphisms that represent the expected semantic relationships between them. In this article we present an institution for UML 2.0 State Machines devised for collaborating with the definition of such environment. The semantics behind the institution is based on a previous work which deals with processing simple input events within a transition step. We also extend this semantics for handling sequences of events, and then for considering runs through the state machine

La teoría de instituciones provee un marco robusto y elegante para la programación de alto nivel y en particular para la composicionalidad. Puede ser utilizado para definir un ambiente heterogéneo para la especificación semántica de UML, el cual consiste de una familia de formalismos que capturan varios sublenguajes UML, y morfismos que representan las relaciones semánticas esperadas entre ellos. En este artículo se presenta una institución para el lenguaje de Máquinas de Estado de UML 2.0, ideada para colaborar con la definición del ambiente heterogéneo. La semántica detrás de la institución está basada en trabajos previos. Dicha semántica considera el procesamiento de un evento de entrada en el contexto de una transición de un paso. Adicionalmente extendemos la semántica para manejar secuencias de eventos, y además para considerar corridas a través de la máquina de estado.

Detalles Bibliográficos
UML 2.0
Máquinas de Estado
Universidad de la República
Acceso abierto
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución – No Comercial – Sin Derivadas (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Sumario:The theory of institutions provides an elegant and robust framework for programming in the large and in particular for compositionality. It can be used to define an heterogeneous environment for the semantic definition of UML, consisting of a family of formalisms which capture various UML sublanguages, and morphisms that represent the expected semantic relationships between them. In this article we present an institution for UML 2.0 State Machines devised for collaborating with the definition of such environment. The semantics behind the institution is based on a previous work which deals with processing simple input events within a transition step. We also extend this semantics for handling sequences of events, and then for considering runs through the state machine