Agroecological family farming in Uruguay, innovative and counter-hegemonic contributions to sustainability

Agricultura familiar agroecológica en Uruguay, aportes innovadores y contrahe-gemónicos para la sustentabilidad

Agricultura familiar agroecológica no Uruguai, contribuições inovadoras e contra-hegemônicas para a sustentabilidade

Gómez Perazzoli, Alberto - Gazzano, Inés - Dieguez Cameroni, Francisco

Editor(es): Bajsa, Natalia


Agroecological family farming in Uruguay has a background of over thirty years and is increasingly recognized as a valid option for the transformation of the food system. However, basic and comprehensive information on the sector is not available. The information collected by the Agroecology Network of Uruguay in 2020 and 2021 was systematized, being this organization the only one that certifies for the domestic market, through a Participatory Guarantee System. The results obtained allow defining several aspects of the sector. The number of certified properties increased 120% between 2012 and 2021. The sale of organic food, mainly vegetables, reached USD 6.4 million in 2021 and grew 2.1 times between 2012 and 2021. Ninety-two percent of the properties are family-owned. Women's participation in the ownership of farms is 42%, which is higher than the national average. Production is distributed among 111 different species. Seventy-five percent of the farms produce their own seeds and 87% have wild areas for conservation. The most common soil management practices are the use of green manures, crop rotation, and the use of compost and biofertilizers. Direct-to-consumer sales channels are mostly used. For the first time, comprehensive information representative of the domestic market for organic food in the country is presented. Hopefully, these contributions will be useful in understanding the transition processes in agroecology, and in order to support the definition of the agendas of various actors linked to agroecology.

La agricultura familiar agroecológica en Uruguay tiene una trayectoria de más de treinta años y es crecientemente reconocida como una opción válida de transformación del sistema alimentario. Sin embargo, no se dispone de información básica e integral del sector. Se sistematizó la información recabada por la Red de Agroecología del Uruguay para los años 2020 y 2021, siendo esta organización la única que certifica para el mercado interno mediante un Sistema Participativo de Garantía. Los resultados obtenidos permiten definir varios aspectos del sector. El número de predios certificados aumenta 120% entre 2012 y 2021. La venta de alimentos ecológicos, principalmente hortalizas, alcanzó USD 6,4 millones en 2021 y creció 2,1 veces entre 2012 y 2021. El 92% de los predios son de tipo familiar. La participación de mujeres en la titularidad de las explotaciones es del 42%, un valor superior al promedio nacional. La producción se distribuye entre 111 especies diferentes. El 75% de los predios produce semillas propias y el 87% dispone de áreas silvestres para conservación. Las prácticas más comunes de manejo de suelo son el uso de abonos verdes, la rotación de cultivos, y el uso de compost y biofertilizantes. Los canales de venta directa al consumidor son los más frecuentemente utilizados. Por primera vez se presenta información integral representativa del mercado in-terno de alimentos ecológicos en el país. Se espera que estos aportes sean de utilidad para comprender los procesos de transición en agroecología y para apoyar la definición de las agendas de diversos actores vinculados a la agroecología.

A agricultura familiar agroecológica no Uruguai tem uma história de mais de trinta anos e é cada vez mais reconheci-da como uma opção válida para a transformação do sistema alimentar. No entanto, não estão disponíveis informações básicas e abrangentes sobre o sector. As informações coletadas pela Rede de Agroecologia do Uruguai para os anos de 2020 e 2021 foram sistematizadas, sendo esta organização a única que certifica para o mercado interno, por meio de um Sistema de Garantia Participativa. Os resultados obtidos permitem definir vários aspectos do setor. O número de propriedades certificadas aumentou 120% entre 2012 e 2021. A venda de alimentos orgânicos, principalmente hortaliças, atingiu US$ 6,4 milhões em 2021 e cresceu 2,1 vezes entre 2012 e 2021. 92% dos imóveis são familiares. A participação das mulheres na propriedade das explorações agrícolas é de 42%, superior à média nacional. A pro-dução está distribuída em 111 espécies diferentes. 75% das fazendas produzem suas próprias sementes e 87% pos-suem áreas silvestres para conservação. As práticas de manejo do solo mais comuns são o uso de adubos verdes, rotação de culturas, uso de composto e biofertilizantes. Os canais de venda direta ao consumidor são os mais utiliza-dos. Pela primeira vez, são apresentadas informações abrangentes representativas do mercado interno de alimentos orgânicos no país. Espera-se que essas contribuições sejam úteis para compreender os processos de transição na agroecologia e subsidiar a definição das agendas dos diversos atores ligados à agroecologia.

Detalles Bibliográficos
Agricultura Agroecológica
Agricultura Familiar
Agroecological Farming
Family Farming
Universidad de la República
Acceso abierto
Licencia Creative Commons Atribución (CC - By 4.0)
Sumario:Agroecological family farming in Uruguay has a background of over thirty years and is increasingly recognized as a valid option for the transformation of the food system. However, basic and comprehensive information on the sector is not available. The information collected by the Agroecology Network of Uruguay in 2020 and 2021 was systematized, being this organization the only one that certifies for the domestic market, through a Participatory Guarantee System. The results obtained allow defining several aspects of the sector. The number of certified properties increased 120% between 2012 and 2021. The sale of organic food, mainly vegetables, reached USD 6.4 million in 2021 and grew 2.1 times between 2012 and 2021. Ninety-two percent of the properties are family-owned. Women's participation in the ownership of farms is 42%, which is higher than the national average. Production is distributed among 111 different species. Seventy-five percent of the farms produce their own seeds and 87% have wild areas for conservation. The most common soil management practices are the use of green manures, crop rotation, and the use of compost and biofertilizers. Direct-to-consumer sales channels are mostly used. For the first time, comprehensive information representative of the domestic market for organic food in the country is presented. Hopefully, these contributions will be useful in understanding the transition processes in agroecology, and in order to support the definition of the agendas of various actors linked to agroecology.